26 August 2015

Update #4 Google Maps Directions to GPX data w/elevation data

The  Google Maps Directions to GPX tool now has support for elevation data for each route/track point.

Try it here

Elevation Notes

The tool relies on the Google Elevation API for elevation information.

This data is obtained by sampling along the given path, which in this case will be the start and end point of your directions.

Due to restrictions in the Google Elevation API, rather than return elevation data at each route point along the path, I had to implement the tool to request elevation by sampling along the length of the path. The number of samples requested is equal to the number of route points. Due to the fact that the path is sampled along the surface of the earth the accuracy of this elevation data might have a high degree of in-accuracy.

25 August 2015

Update #3 to Google Maps Directions to GPX data

(Welcome in Japanese)!

The Google Maps Directions to GPX now has support for all available languages in Google Maps. What this means is that you can get directions and next turn information in other languages than English.

Update #3 is now live but I am still working on providing accurate "next-turn" information for non-English languages. This will be available shortly.

Try it now

Are you interested in the development of this tool? Here are the previous posts: Original post, Update #1Update #2Update #3, Update #4.

20 August 2015

Integrating Social Media Markup into Google Blogger Templates

The Google Blogger.com template system is flexible and somewhat programmable. However getting to learn its idiosyncrasies and mastering the template language it are close to impossible.

I wanted to integrate Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest sharing markup into my template. It took me the better part of a day to battle it and force all the relevant data to show up where I liked it to.

To save you the same headache I want to share with you how to do it. Below is a link to a how-to document I put up on GitHub that describes what needs to be done:

View on GitHub
